We help you capture your stories in beautiful books.


We craft heirlooms, memoirs and family books - here's what inspires us!

2017 has been quite a year, and we're thrilled to give you an update on what’s been happening on our end...

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Our New Website (amazing!)

We were really excited to relaunch our site back in October, complete with new client testimonials and a fresh new look. Hop over to www.plantain.me in case you missed it.

This was a great reflective exercise and one of the key questions we asked ourselves was: How can we help our clients have more meaningful conversations with their loved ones? It also gave us the opportunity to launch a new service we’re particularly pleased with - Plantain Clips… 👇

Plantain Clips: Our smallest bespoke package

Everyone has stories to tell - whether of growing up "pelting down” mangoes or of reconnecting with long-lost loved ones - and we were sometimes approached by families wanting to commemorate these through smaller packages than our books.

We thought, If they could send us audio recordings of their family stories (a lot of them recounted endless times at the dinner table anyway) alongside relevant images, couldn't we transform these into beautiful, individualised films?


And that’s exactly what’s been happening! Head over to our Plantain Clips page and you'll find a stories that families from all over the world have have sent us to work on...

Our Memory Bank continues to grow, so do check in regularly for our weekly releases...

Life and Loss

Plantain Clips are especially well suited for helping groups, communities, schools, and organisations honour and capture the stories that define them.

This year, we stepped back into the realm of Global Health (to the glee of our co-founders!) and were privileged to help persons suffering from various stages of dementia capture their memories before they faded even further.

We have special rates for these groups so do reach out to us if you know of any that might benefit from this service!

Firefly Memories: A Collaborative Reminiscing App


We ended the year by presenting a prototype of our app, Firefly Memories, that was built with an Innovation Grant we were awarded from the Government.

Reminiscing is a tremendously powerful way to (re)connect with others, and Firefly Memories is designed to evoke those feelings by allowing you to co-create memories with friends and family.

We’d love for you to be a part of this journey, so do let us know if you would like to get involved!

Books and more Books!


Otherwise, we continue to work on what Plantain was originally built on - beloved Books! In 2017 the memoirs, family history books, and corporate projects continued to grow in range, depth and numbers.

Our clients continued to inspire us with stories of loss, resilience, and triumph, and we explored intersecting lives across Corsica, France, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, the UK, the US, China, Lebanon, New York, Scotland, Canada...


Finally, we were truly honoured this year to be invited to speak in the company of other world-class thinkers and doers.

For those of you who were not there (we’ll make sure to share with you the video when it is released), our talk centred on how we believe a better understanding of your (hi)story gives you a more grounded sense of self and unveils just how intimately connected we humans all are.

This, we believe, will ultimately contribute to a more genuine and empathetic world…

It is with this spirit that we thank you for being part of our (hi)story and would like to extend to you wishes for a new year filled with peace, compassion, laughter and sound health.

See you all next year!


Your team at Plantain.